Jamaican Economy Panel Discussion Twelve Stigma, discrimination, and violence against vulnerable and marginalised groups in Jamaica
A number of local and global reports have highlighted the challenges faced by vulnerable and marginalised communities in Jamaica and across the region, with regards to stigma, discrimination and various forms of violence.
Discrimination and violence in Jamaica
For most of the members of the Jamaican Economy Panel (JEP) stigma, discrimination, and violence perpetrated against vulnerable and marginalised communities are important concerns in Jamaica and a possible hindrance to fully achieving the SDGs. When asked how commonplace discrimination and violence are in Jamaica, 33% of members expressed that discrimination and violence are very prevalent, and 42% said that they are somewhat prevalent. The majority of panel members agree that discrimination and various forms of violence affect mostly women and girls, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people and people from inner-city communities.