Press Release

Private and Third Sectors Express Commitment to Greater Collaboration Around National Development Priorities, Including the Sustainable Development Goals

25 October 2021

Business as usual is not an option. This was the message from participants of Wednesday’s SDG Private and Third Sector half-day Forum.

The Forum provided a platform for critical engagement and for identifying how businesses, foundations and third sector entities can support the build-forward-better pandemic recovery agenda and help advance the SDGs through inclusive, equitable and sustainable approaches that leave no one.

"Sustainable development is the foundation for ensuring business continuity, market security and supply chain stability as we move forward. It is important that [moving forward] Jamaica, and the wider Caribbean region, adopts a comprehensive, collaborative and far-reaching human-centred agenda.” Dr. Garry Conille said.

In motivating the private sector, the Resident Coordinator added, “These measures must go hand in hand with strategies to rebuild industries, create new companies and increase the productivity of those companies that survive the crisis.”

Attendees were also introduced and encouraged to engage in the work of the UN Global Compact – the non-binding United Nations pact to encourage businesses and firms to adopt and report on sustainable and socially responsible policies. In incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into business strategies, policies and procedures, companies are strategically upholding their responsibilities to people and planet and set a firmer stage for long-term success.

Dr. Dana Morris-Dixon highlighted during her keynote address, that the private and third sector’s roles are far more than dollars and cents.

“Jamaica National has proudly worked with our competitors to respond to a number of challenges during COVID and this approach will have continued relevance in addressing developmental issues – beyond the pandemic as well,” Dr. Morris-Dixon said.

The Forum also spotlighted the work being done by Kingston Creatives, Sandals Foundation and the GK Foundation towards community development, education, poverty alleviation and environmental protection as they too advance national development using the SDG roadmap.

Panel discussions, which included representatives from the private sector, government, UN and academia, zoned in on why human rights and gender equality is good for business and how to integrate the principles of environmental sustainability to support the transition to a healthier, more resource-efficient, green and circular economy.

jomain mckenzie

Jomain McKenzie

Programme Communications & Advocacy Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Goals we are supporting through this initiative