RCOStream the Event Development Goals
Contact information
jamaica.rco@un.orgUnited Nations Virtual Partnership Forum - High-Level Forum
United Nations Jamaica will mark this year’s UN Day 2021 (October 24) through initiatives including a three-day Virtual Partnership Forum and a week-long campaign dedicated to frontline workers who continue to support Jamaica’s COVID-19 response and recovery.
Jamaica’s UN Country Team (UNCT) will commemorate UN76 under the theme, “Partnerships for Peace, Planet and Prosperity” – a recognition of the collaborative model with which UN programming engages and empowers partners to achieve national and global goals
About the event
The UN Virtual Partnership Forum will be held on October 20 through 22 to further engage and forge relationships, among development partners, private and third sectors, civil society, academia, and the wider population, for national development.
The event will feature over 50 speakers from the Government of Jamaica, the international development partner community, private sector and private foundations, academia, NGOs, CSOs and other community-based organisations. Speakers include The Hon. Dr. Horace Chang CD, MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security; Mr. Courtenay Rattray, UN Under-Secretary-General and former Jamaican Ambassador to the UN; Dr. Dana Morris Dixon, Assistant General Manager Jamaica National Group; Andrea Dempster-Chung, Co-founder and Executive Director Kingston Creative; Heidi Clarke, Executive Director Sandals Foundation and Caroline Mahfood, Executive Director, GraceKennedy Foundation.
Background documents